Hi Everyone!
Here is the list of veggies and what they are good for when you juice them that we discussed at our last MEETUP Group. Also, there are specific recipes for specific ailments at the bottom. Enjoy!!!!
Prostate- asparagus, carrot, beet, cucumber
Rheumatism- asparagus
Glandular issues, diabetes, anemia- asparagus
Anemia- beet, carrot
Menstrual issues- beet
Liver cleanse- beet
Menopause- beet
Body building- carrot, beet, coconut
Gall bladder and kidney cleanser- carrot, beet, coconut
Gall stones, kidney stones, gall bladder sludge- carrot, beet, cucumber
Gall stones, kidney stones, prostate- 1 lemon per 1 cup of water 6 times a day + carrot, beet, cucumber 3-4x per day
Brussels sprouts
Pancreatic function- brussel sprout, carrot, string bean, lettuce (and GI Broom)
Duodenal ulcer- cabbage, carrot
Fat break down- 2-3 weeks of carrot, spinach then after 2-3 weeks add cabbage
Pyorrhea- cabbage, carrot
Constipation-- cabbage, carrot
Bone health, breast feeding, ulcers, cancer, fighting infection (eyes, throat, tonsils, sinus, respiratory) , strengthening adrenals, nervous system, gonads- carrot
Colon regeneration and cleanse- carrot, spinach
Normalize body temperature, diseases of the nervous system- celery
Multiple sclerosis, mental issues- carrot, celery
Diuretic, normalize blood pressure- cucumber
Hair growth, strengthen nails- cucumber, carrot, lettuce, spinach
Rheumatic ailments, gout- cucumber, carrot, beet
Skin issues- cucumber, carrot, lettuce + alfalfa to speed up effect
Increase alkalinity and decrease acidity- dandelion
Strengthen bone during pregnancy- dandelion
Blood tonic, improve cell function, aids in lung issues and benefits nervous system- dandelion
Pyorrhea, bones and teeth- dandelion, carrot, turnip
Eyes – endive, carrot, celery, parsley
Asthma, hay fever- carrot, celery, parsley
Anemia, functional heart issues, strengthen liver and gall bladder- endive, carrot, celery
Blood builder, menstrual disorders- fennel, carrot, beet
Garlic, leek or onion
Cleansing the tissues and bowels, peristalsis, diuretic; intestinal parasites, dysentery; Mucus of the sinus, bronchial, lungs- garlic (onion or leek)
Green pepper
Nails, hair, tear ducts, sebaceous glands
+ carrot- skin
+ spinach- gas, colic
Horse radish (triturated only) with lemon juice (total dose ½ teaspoon)
Sinus mucus and all other mucus issues of the body; diuretic, - Horse radish and lemon juice. Mixture is 4 oz. to 4 lemons
Jerusalem artichoke
Potassium source , diabeties - Jerusalem artichoke, carrot
Kelp (poeder)
Iodine, glands, especially thyroid- Kelp (powder) + carrot celery parsley spinach
Lettuce (not romaine)
Blood loss, muscle issues, brain issues, nerves, lungs – lettuce, carrots
Hair – carrots, spinach, lettuce
PB, gastric issues, diuretic – lettuce
Babies – lettuce, carrot
Addison’s – romaine, beets, celery, spinach, swiss chard, carrots
Mustard green / water cress
Hemorrhoids – mustard green, carrots, spinach, turnip
Helps clot blood, ulcers, everything
Parsley – always mix
Adrenals, thyroid, O2 metabolism, blood vessels, kidney bladder, dropsy
Eyes (all issues) parsley, carrot, celery, endive
Menstrual cramps- parsley, beet, carrot, cucumber
Potassium broth- best overall juice
Carrot, celery, parsley, spinach
Brittle nails, lungs, bronchioles, TB, pneumonia, brain and mental disorders,
Diabetes, skin- potato
+ carrot, celery, cucumber, beet- muscle. Nerves i.e. sciatica
JUICING RECIPES FOR SPECIFIC AILMENTS - Please note that the number next to the vegetable denotes the amount of ounces.
Hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism: these are both a form of toxemia as a result of the retention of body waste, the end products of metabolism or of digestion due to the over acidity.
Carrot 10 carrot 10 carrot 10
Spinach 6 beet 3 celery 6
Cucumber 3
Carrot 10 Carrot 12 Carrot 7
Spinach 6 parsley 4 Celery 4
Parsley 2
Spinach 3
Reflux more accurately known as acidosis
Carrot 10 Carrot 10
Spinach 6 Beet 3
Cucumber 3
GI Issues
Colic (gas, bloating), colitis:
Carrot 10 Carrot 10 Carrot 16
Spinach 6 Beet 3
Cucumber 3
Carrot 10 Carrot 10 Spinach 16 Carrot 16
Spinach 6 Beet 3 Cucumber 3
Carrot 16 Carrot 4
Celery 4
Parsley 4
Spinach 4
Carrot 16 Carrot 4 Celery 16
Celery 4
Parsley 4
Spinach 4
Carrot 10 carrot 10
Spinach 6 beet 3
Cucumber 3
Carrot 10 Spinach 16 Carrot 10
Spinach 6 Beet 3
Cucumber 3
Lemon juice in a glass of hot water
Benign tumors
Brain, bone, liver, uterus
Carrot 8 Carrot 10 Carrot Carrot
Spinach 4 Spinach 6 Beet Celery
Turnip 2 Cucumber Parsley
Water-cress 2
Fatty liver (and other organs)
Carrot 10 Carrot 10 Spinach 16 Carrot 7
Spinach 6 Beet 3 Celery 5
Cucumber 3 Spinach 4
Carrot 10 Carrot 16
Spinach 6
Carrot 10 Carrot 4 Carrot 11 carrot 10
Spinach 6 Celery 4 Beet 3 beet 3
Parsley 4 Coconut 2 cucumber 3
Spinach 4
Thinning hair
Carrot 9 Carrot 12
Lettuce 4 Alfalfa 4
Alfalfa 3
Sludge gall bladder
Juice of 1 lemon in 8 oz. of hot water several times a day for 3-4 weeks
Carrot 10 carrot 10 carrot 9 Carrot 11
Spinach 6 beet 3 celery 5 Beet 3
Cucumber 3 Parsley 2 Coconut 2
Carrot 10 carrot 10 carrot 12 Carrot 9
Spinach 6 beet 3 Parsley 4 Fennel 7
Cucumber 3
Carrot 7
Celery 4
Parsley 2
Spinach 3
Estrogen dominance ovarian cyst
Beets, parsley, papaya (if severe bleeding w/o clots)
Fibroids (See tumors)
Chronic fatigue, EBV
Potassium broth:
Lymph nodes
Carrot 10 carrot 10 carrot 11
Spinach 6 beet 3 beet 3
Cucumber 3 coconut 3
Asparagus Carrots carrot carrot
Lettuce spinach celery